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EMT Hopes to Help Through Medicine, Philosophy

Ruth Kvistad, an EMT with Alton Memorial Hospital’s EMS team since November 2020, has even loftier goals. She graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri–St. Louis  last year with a BA in philosophy and has also completed premed studies. Ruth has been accepted into the MD/JD (Juris Doctor) program at Southern Illinois University. But her admiration for EMTs is firm thanks to an unforgettable experience as a young girl.


March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. The lifetime risk of developing colon cancer is as much as 4.3 percent in the general population and higher if you have a family history of the disease. Colon cancer can be curable if detected early, as pre-cancerous lesions can be removed during a colonoscopy. David Henkhaus of Alton is one who knows about this, from both a positive and negative point of view.


Cancer Patient Rolls on Through Pandemic

Beth Rull saw some positives in COVID-19, which is quite remarkable considering that the past year has been the most challenging health year of her life – and very little of it had to do with the pandemic. She went through a double mastectomy and followed up with radiation oncology treatment at Alton Memorial Hospital -- and was very pleased with the care she received.


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General Information: 618.463.7311
Alton Memorial Hospital
One Memorial Drive
Alton, Illinois 62002

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